Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The FAQs

Tonight I sit in a hotel room in anticipation for Catalyst '09. This is the second year for Penny and to attend this incredible conference and we honestly are looking forward to sitting through 9-10 hours of teaching tomorrow. I know that sounds CRAZY, but when you have people like Chandler, Stanley, Giglio, Ramsey and others bringing it, it's just GOOD! Can't wait to see how God moves in our lives tomorrow - gonna be awesome!!

Speaking of moving, I wanted to take a moment to process a little of what God has been doing in our lives over the past few months and to set the record straight for those of you that will pass by and read these words. I'm going to answer some of the questions that have been brought before us over the past couple of weeks - therefore, you now will have the FAQs!

1. Where are you moving to?
We are moving to Dallas to join the team at iGo Global. We've heard lots of "stories" being passed around - including moving to Japan. We haven't decided on the exact area of Dallas, but probably in the Wylie area if God opens that door.

2. Why are you guys moving?
Penny and I have always had a heart that leans towards missions. We have been friends with several of the people on staff with iGo for years and felt like God was calling us to be a part of that team. After much prayer, many conversations and more prayer, we felt like it was God calling us to go. This is a huge step of faith for us as we are trusting God 100% to provide for us as we make this move and we know that He will!

3. Will you still be working with students?
Yes! While the method in which we work with students will dramatically change, we still will be connected to many different areas of student ministry. Through iGo, we will be helping to recruit, prepare and send students all over the world to make His Name Famous! At the same time, Penny and I hope to plug into a church and volunteer in the Student Ministry and connect our hearts with a small group!

4. What can we do to help?
You can come over anytime between now and February and pack boxes!!! Seriously, there are many ways in which we'll need assistance. First, we are asking everyone to pray about who God will send to be the next Student Minister at FBC, Artesia. One of the reasons that we made such an early announcement was so that FBC could begin the process of finding the next person to lead as Student Pastor. Second, pray for our family as we know Satan would love to destroy the vision that God has given us as we make this transition - pray specifically for Caed and Baylor, that their hearts would be protected! Third, eight years means that we have lots of stuff - some to throw away, some to garage sale and lots to pack and move. We'll need help along the way - we'll be sure to call when we are loading up! Finally - God's provision. This new area of ministry will require us to raise our own financial support. We will need several people to partner with us to make this happen and you'll be hearing more about this in the days to come. We trust and believe that when God calls us (any of us) to go, He's already taking care of the provision. We are excited to see how God will do this and how we can be a part!!!

I'm sure there are more questions, but that's all i have time to get to tonight. If you have questions, I hope that you'll come to us and ask. We love to share our hearts and want people to know what God is doing in our lives. Have a great weekend and know that God loves you passionately and wants you to live your life for Him!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What A Week

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

In the midst of the week I am having, I've been thinking about this verse. I love how God reminds us with an incredible scripture when we feel like the trial is overwhelming. I've needed this verse all week and will hold on to it as I approach the weekend. I am definitely in a season of testing, but believe that God has been faithful in my life to remind me of his great love.

This past weekend was crazy good. I made new friends, laughed with people I love, hung out with some really cool students and shared life with friends. You know weekends are like that - a time to step away from the chaos of life and see the real reason to live.

Isn't it funny how we ache for the weekends in life. We work all week, and then Friday arrives with a cheer and we look forward to whatever "plans" we have that will take us away from the mundane stress of life during the week. Then there's the "long" weekend, you know that time where we get that extra day and makes our work week a whole lot shorter - those times are good!

As I look into the weekend ahead, I admit that I am apprehensive about what will happen. I'm not really scared, nor really excited - mostly just like that nausea that comes when you have to speak in front of the class for the first time. I know that I'm ready for it to get here, but also ready for it to be over. In my heart lies conflict, yet there is the calming peace of God that reminds me that He is in charge. So bring on the weekend - good or bad - for in Him, it can only be good!


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Almost home

We r on the road - pushing 70 to get home at a decent hour. Our gps shows arrival around 730 pm - but we have to stop once to re- fuel - so I'm thinking it will be around 8!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Headed Home

We didn't post yesterday - mainly due to the fact we were exhausted.  Even though rain threatened...we made it out to our fun day and had a blast.  Just imagine, a bunch of people from the desert being handed keys to 6 pontoon boats...needless to say, there were a couple of moment where we took on more water than we should have - and a few prayers that we would make it to the shore!!!  Mostly a joke - we had a great time...

We'll be leaving around 11am central time and heading back...hope to be in houston by 11pm tonight...about 7 hours of sleep and off again in the morning!!!

thanks for praying - keep praying for our safety!!!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day Four - Brings The Rain

Sorry everyone - we tried to get a post up last night but had some internet issues...but we are back at it again today.  Last night (Wednesday) was awesome!  I guess I should say yesterday as a whole was awesome.  Our students continue to respond to the Spirit's call upon their lives and our prayer as adults continues to be that their answer would be YES - to whatever it is that God asks them to do....

Here are a few pics from yesterday...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Start of Day Three

It's hard to believe that it's already Wednesday - camp is almost 1/2 over.  We have had a great time so far, more pictures to come this afternoon and hopefully more stories to share with you back home.  Our students are currently sitting in the morning session, where they have a time of worship and teaching.  After that, the adults break out for some student ministry training while The Skit Guys bring a some of their incredible humor to the stage.  We'll eat lunch around noon, take a group picture, then one of our guys teams will continue to play basketball in the second round today.  We'll have lots of free time this afternoon to hang out here on the beach, then we'll shower, eat, and get ready for the evening worship time.  Our hope is that throughout the day, our students will clearly see the Savior!!!

Let me take a few to share about last night.  A few weeks ago, we took four weeks during FUEL to study this idea: Your DIRECTION, not your INTENTIONS, will lead you to a DESTINATION.  This is from a book by Andy Stanley called "The Principle of the Path" - pick it up, it's a good read and great wisdom!  We have been drilling that idea into our students...that they have all of these high and lofty intentions about where they want to be relationally, spiritually, financially, etc in the years to come, but the path they are on now will ultimately decide that destination.  Since I'm writing this to adults, think back about some of the roads that you have chosen over time and how many of those roads started with GOOD INTENTIONS, but ultimately it was the WRONG road to begin with.  This principle challenges us to think about the choices we make daily that lead us down either the road that leads to destruction or the path that leads to righteousness.  I know that sounds a little super spiritual, but it's really true.  

As our students heard that last night, they were challenged in the area of relationships and purity.  They can tell it you better than I can, but it came down to the thought that there are many times in our relationships where we make choices that lead us down the wrong path...Jared (the guys who was speaking) challenged the student to consider their purity and how that can lead them down the right path or the wrong path...

It was a great night and our students had much to say in our church group time afterwards.  God is going some great things, continue to pray for them, and for ultimate obedience to the will of the Father!!!

More later...


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Blog Number One from camp is finally here. Stay with us, we'll try and blog at least once each day, maybe two...our time is well structured here and we have been working hard to make sure our students have the opportunity to connect with Christ in a real way. Thanks for stopping by - it's already been a great week and we look forward to Friday, when we must put into work the stuff God has taught us...

Penny will be keeping us updated on some activities and thoughts from the day, i'm turning it over to her to post some pics and to give you her perspective...

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